The Rev. Liu Ming Chuan and family outside his home, Peking, China

A Chinese strawberry garden. Proprietor and coolie, China

Queen's buildings along the waterfront, Hong Kong, China

Fortifications, Peak Hotel and palatial residences--from mountain top, above Hong Kong

Fortifications, Peak Hotel and palatial residences--from mountain top, above Hong Kong

Queen Street, looking northwest from the Colonnade, Hong Kong, China

Overlooking a residential section of Kowloon, China

Holiday at the time of the Dragon Festival, view of the river Min, Foochow, China

Li Hung Chang's reminder to the lawless - five pirate heads hanging over the wall at Honam, CHina

The sampan is the only home of thousands of Chinese, Canton, China

Quick sales and small profits, outdoor market, La Union, Salvador, C.A.

Conscripted soldiers of the Nicaraguan Army, Managua, Nicaragua, C.A.

At the docks loading beans (sacked) on lighters, Valparaiso, Chile, So. Am.

From Citadel Hill over Halifax and her land-locked harbor, Nova Scotia, Canada

Huge stone figures [of 2 elephants facing each other] on the avenue leading to the Tombs of the Kings, Nankin, China

Park 15th of November; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America

Carts loaded with coffee leaving the plantation, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, So. Am.

Sacking coffee for shipment, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Packing crude rubber, Para, Brazil, center of Amazon river-system trade

View of a city built on a dozen hills, from Mt. Castello, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.

Avenida Rio Branco from Hotel Avenida on a holiday, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.

Guanabara Palace, one of the residences of the President, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.