Great cactus, 15 ft. high and its fruit, prickly pear, California, U.S.A.
In an olive grove, Southern California, U.S.A.
Superb calla lillies growing in field, Cal., U.S.A.
Superb calla lillies growing in field, Cal., U.S.A.
Bags of wheat and piles of straw from a steam harvester, California, U.S.A.
A steam harvester at work cutting a 25 foot swath, California, U.S.A.
Twenty-six horse combined harvester cutting barley, Sacramento Valley, Cal.
Eucalyptus blossoms and leaves, Cal.
Combined reaper and thrasher, San Joaquin Valley, Cal., U.S.A.
Combined reaper and thrasher, San Joaquin Valley, Cal., U.S.A.
Combined reaper and thrasher, San Joaquin Valley, Cal., U.S.A.
A chicken ranch in California.
A combined steam harvester which heaps, thrashes and sacks, Calif., U.S.A.
Viewing the beautiful orange groves in mid-winter in California.
Orange groves, San Francisco, Cal.
Century plant in full bloom in Southern California.
Pioneers of the New Dolgeville, Cal.
A hot house scene in California.
A sheep ranchman's house in California.
Man standing under a cactus tree.
Cactus growth in Southern California.
Cactus in a garden cultivation.
Joshua tree in Southern California.
View of a residential street.
Four men in front of a house