Perry's Victory in U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
Perry's Victory in U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
Group of Agriculture, Brumidi's Alligorical Painting, in Dome of the Capitol.
Brumidi's Alligorical Painting, in the Dome of the U.S. Capitol.
Brumidi's Alligorical Painting, in the Dome of the U.S. Capitol.
Brumidi's Alligorical Painting, in the Dome of the U.S. Capitol.
Brumidi's Alligorical Painting, in the Dome of the U.S. Capitol.
Brumidi's Alligorical Painting, in the Dome of the U.S. Capitol.
Statuary in U.S. Capitol.
Statuary in U.S. Capitol.
Statuary in U.S. Capitol.
Statuary in U.S. Capitol. [General Washington.]
Statuary in U.S. Capitol.
Statuary in U.S. Capitol.
Statuary in U.S. Capitol.
Triumphal Entry of Columbus into Barcelona.
Earliest Encounter of the Spaniards with the Natives.
Earliest Encounter of the Spaniards with the Natives.
Starting of Columbus from Palos.
Starting of Columbus from Palos.
Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella.
Columbus Undergoing an Examination Before the Council of Salamanga.
Columbus Undergoing an Examination Before the Council of Salamanga.
Columbus leaves La Rabioa for the Spanish Court.