The Funeral of Mr. Lincoln in Broad Street - Philadelphia - April 22nd, 1865

Publisher: Glover, Ridgway
Photographer: Glover, Ridgway
Subjects: Lincoln, Funeral, Philadelphia, President
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Funeral of President Lincoln, N.Y. City, 7th Regiment passing in view.

Publisher: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co.
Photographer: E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm)
Series: Anthony's Instantaneous Views
No.: 4596
Subjects: Lincoln, Funeral, New York City, President, Roosevelt
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)
Location Map

His bark is Worse Than His Bite.

Publisher: Griffith & Griffith
Photographer: unknown
Distributor: Griffith & Griffith
Subjects: color, comical, fun
Collection: User Contributed (Tadfafty)

Lincoln Funeral in New York City

Series: New York City and Vicinity
Subjects: Lincoln, President, Funeral, New York City
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Ceremonies at the grave of James G. Blaine, Oak Hill Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Funeral procession ascending to grave on the little knoll in the rustic cemetery Col. Roosevelt chose as his last resting place, Young's Memorial Cem., Long Island, N.Y.

Christ Church - the old country church of Sagamore Hill where Col. Roosevelt attended services and where the last simple rites were spoken

The casket, draped in the flag Theodore Roosevelt loved, being carried into Christ Church, Oyster Bay, N.Y.