[View from the west of the U.S. Capitol with reflection in body of water in the foreground and the U.S. Botanic Garden in the middle ground]

Garden of Gethsemane, Jerusalem

No.: 49
Subjects: Garden, parks, Jerusalem
Collection: User Contributed (Tadfafty)

Interior of Gilmore's Garden.

Series: American Scenery: New York
Subjects: New York City, Statue, Gardens, Madison Square Garden
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

[View from the west of the U.S. Capitol with reflection in body of water in the foreground and the U.S. Botanic Garden in the middle ground]

The Public Gardens, statue of Washington, and fountain "Venus rising from the sea," Boston, Mass.

A pleasant retreat from the world - gardens of the old Santa Barbara Mission, California

Amidst the beauties of springtime--dwarf cherry trees at Omuro Gosho temple

Traditional "Garden of Eden," east over the Euphrates, 250 miles N.W. of Babylon