The Cabinet Room, Executive Mansion, Washington, U.S.A.
The Library, Excutive mansion, Washington, U.S.A.
President Roosevelt's dinner to Prince Henry, in the East Room, White House, Washington, U.S.A.
From Washington Monument, south, along the wharves and the Potomac River, Washington
In the Treasury Department
The Inaugural Ball-room - from President Roosevelt's box - Pension Building, Washin[g]ton, D.C.
Washington Monument, tallest stone structure in the World (555 ft.) east - Washington, D.C.
House of Representatives in session--lawmakers at work--U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
Publisher: Underwood & Underwood
Subjects: Cannon,
Joseph Gurney,
United States,
United States Capitol (Washington,
Washington (D.C.),
Collection: United States Library of Congress: Stereoviews
A winter day in the grounds of the National Capitol, Washington
Grand Staircase, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Decorative splendors of the Entrance Hall of the great Congressional Library, Washington, U.S.A.
Snow-ladened trees and Congressional Library entrance, Washington, U. S. A.
The Magnificent new Congressional Library -- the most spacious book repository in the world, Washington, U.S.A.
Suffragette parade, Pennsylvania Ave., Washington D.C., March 3, 1913
Fruits of the sunny south and their buyers, in famous old Centre Market, Washington, U.S.A.
(33w) Mass, Ave. (W. from Thomas Circle), favorite center of fashionable society, Washington U. S. A.
(34w) Homes of some of the most distinguished residents, Mass. Ave. (W. from Scott Circle), Washington, U.S.A.
Supreme Court Room in the Capitol--chair of the Chief Justice before arch, Washington, U.S.A.
United States Capitol (east front), Washington, D.C.
United States Capitol from the N.E., most beautiful building in America, Washington, U.S.A.
United States Capitol from the N.E., most beautiful building in America, Washington, U.S.A.
United States Capitol from the N.E., most beautiful building in America, Washington, U.S.A.
In the great spinning room - 104,000 spindles - Olympian Cotton Mills, Columbia, South Carolina
The Battery, pride of old historic Charleston--cradle of many conflicts, S. Carolina
Pittsburgh, Pa., nursery of vast fortunes, Smithfield St., looking N.E., with P.O. at right
On West Street, looking north - skirting the North River Ferry landings, New York City
From St. Paul Building (308 ft. high) (N.) over General Post Office and City Hall Park, up Broadway, New York, U.S.A.
Palatial homes and hotels of upper Fifth Ave., - from Fifth Ave. Presby. Church, N., to Central Park, New York
Broad Street, north to the Stock Exchange, U.S. Sub-Treasury, and Wall Street, New York
Broad Street, north to the Stock Exchange, U.S. Sub-Treasury and Wall Street, New York