Taylor & Huntington

Dead Confederate sharpshooters of Hood's Division among the rocks in Devil's Den in front of Little Round Top.

Confederate soldiers killed in the trenches at Petersburg April 2, 1865 [at Fort Mahone].

Michigan and Pennsylvania Relief Association. Ladies ministering to the wounded and sick soldiers.

Michigan and Pennsylvania Relief Association. Ladies ministering to the wounded and sick soldiers.

Pickets cooking their rations. Reserve picket fort near Fredericksburg, December 9, 1862.

Swamp Angel, Morris Island, S.C. This rifled gun throws shell into Charleston night and day.

A 300 pounder (parrot gun [Parrott rifle]) on Morris Island, S.C., firing on Fort Sumter.

The "Monitor," showing her ports open and the muzzles of her "barkers."

The Monitor off Charleston. [View with sailboat alongside and wash hanging out to dry.]

The turret of the Monitor shows fifteen marks where she was hit by rebel shot...

Two views. Dress parade of the First South Carolina Regiment (Colored), near Beaufort, S.C.

At quarters' on the U.S. steamer New Hampshire, off Charleston, March, 1886.

So we made a thoroughfare for freedom and her train." [View of dead soldiers beside a fence. Hand-colored view.]