Idols of the British Columbian Indians, Columbian Exposition.
Krupp's great exhibit of guns, Columbian Exposition.
The mammoth fern, Horticultural Hall, Columbian Exposition.
Woolly cactus, Horticultural Hall, Columbian Exposition.
Interior of Agricultural building, Columbian Exposition.
The Austrian Princess drawing room, Liberal Arts building, Columbian Exposition.
Great interior of Liberal Arts building, Columbian Exposition.
Interior of Iowa State building, Columbian Exposition.
Interior of Iowa State building, Columbian Exposition.
Iowa State Capitol, Iowa State building, Columbian Exposition.
Listening to the band concert, Columbian Exposition.
Listening to the band concert, Columbian Exposition.
The Magic City, Columbian Exposition.
Golden Arch, Transportation building, Columbian Exposition.
Golden Arch, Transportation building, Columbian Exposition.
Golden Arch, Transportation building, Columbian Exposition.
Arkansas State building, Columbian Exposition.
Columbia and her maids of honor, Agricultural building, Columbian Exposition.
Columbia and her maids of honor, Agricultural building, Columbian Exposition.
German department, Liberal Arts building, Columbian Exposition.
California redwood, Columbian Exposition.
The great Krupp building, Columbian Exposition.
Wooded Island from Horticultural Hall, Columbian Exposition.
Wooded Island from Horticultural Hall, Columbian Exposition.
The great statue of Columbus, Liberal Arts building, Columbian Exposition.
World's Columbian Exposition from Liberal Arts building.
The Japanese tea garden, Columbian Exposition.
Great interior of Electric building, Columbian Exposition.
Cape Colony ostrich exhibit, Columbian Exposition.
Strolling about the Wooded Island, Columbian Exposition.