Keystone View Co.

Orange Blossoms and Fruit, Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A.

Orange Blossoms and Fruit, Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A.

Orange Blossoms and Fruit, Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A.

Orange Blossoms and Fruit, Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A.

Orange Blossoms and Fruit, Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A.

Orange Blossom and Fruit, Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A.

Orange Blossoms and Fruit, Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A.

Orange Blossoms and Fruit, Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A.

Orange Blossoms and Fruit, Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A.

Combined reaper and thrasher, San Joaquin Valley, Cal., U.S.A.

Combined reaper and thrasher, San Joaquin Valley, Cal., U.S.A.

Combined reaper and thrasher, San Joaquin Valley, Cal., U.S.A.

Behold the realm where Colorado flows!" Grand Canyon, Arizona, U. S. A.

O'Neills Point, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Arizona, U. S. A.

Big ice on the Allenkaket River, Alaska.

Prospectors starting for home, 1400 miles in the interior of Alaska.

Prospectors returning to camp. 62 degrees below zero, Alaska.

Prospectors returning to camp. 62 degrees below zero, Alaska.

A letter from home - on the Allenkaket River, Alaska.

Over the ice, Koyukuk River, Alaska.

Starting out for Caribou, Beaver City, Alaska.

Going up the Yukon River by moonlight to Dawson City, Alaska.

Going up the Yukon River by moonlight to Dawson City, Alaska.

The "Dora Bluhm" at the Port of St. Michaels, Alaska.

At the foot of Chilcoot [Chilkoot] Pass, Alaska.

The leading store at Sheep Camp, Alaska.

Distant view of Chilkoot Pass, Alaska.

Distant view of Chilcoot [Chilkoot] Pass, Alaska.

Citizens of Ohio en route to the Klondike, Dyea Trail, Alaska.

A happy home in Alaska