Jarvis, John Fillis

Columbus' flagship "Santa Maria," Columbus Naval parade, New York Harbor, U.S.A.

Columbus' flagship "Santa Maria," Columbus Naval parade, New York Harbor, U.S.A.

Castle Garden and Liberty Statue, New York City, U.S.A.[aerial view of harbor].

Castle Garden and Liberty Statue, New York City, U.S.A. [aerial view of harbor].

Castle Garden and Liberty Statue, New York [aerial view of harbor].

Castle Garden and Liberty Statue, New York, U.S.A.

Castle Garden and Liberty Statue, New York [aerial view of harbor].

Wendel's Battery," the 1st New York. -- leaving Grant's Tomb. -- Dewey Celebration, New York.

Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.

Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.

Brooklyn Bridge and Cotton Exchange, N.Y.

Atlantic City's Crowded Beach, New Jersey.

Atlantic City's Crowded Beach, New Jersey, U. S. A.

We Love to Bathe in the Ocean Wave, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U. S. A.

A Delightful Surf, Atlantic City, N.J., U. S. A.

Away down among "de cotton and de coons," Louisiana, U.S.A.

Away down among the cotton and coons, U.S.A.

Sugar cane plantation, loading cane, Louisiana, U.S.A.

Mammoth Cave of Kentucky.

Driving on the Grand Boulevard, Chicago, U.S.A.

Driving on the Grand Boulevard, Chicago, U.S.A.

State Street, Chicago, U.S.A.

Randolph Street, Chicago, U.S.A.

Randolph Street, Chicago, U.S.A.

Randolph Street, Chicago, U.S.A.

The Globe at Washington Park, Chicago.

The Globe at Washington Park, Chicago.

The Golden Ajar, Washington Park, Chicago, Ill.

Warping Room, Cotton Mill, Augusta, Georgia.

Ute medicine monument, Monument Park, Colorado, U.S.A.