The Senate Chamber.
Senate Chamber at the Capitol.
Senate Chamber.
Senate Chamber in U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
Senate Chamber in U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
The Senate Chamber.
The Senate Chamber.
Speaker's Room, House of Representatives.
Statuary Columbus.
The U.S. Capitol.
The U.S. Capitol.
The President's House.
The President's House.
The U.S. Treasury.
The U.S. Capitol.
The U.S. Capitol.
Bird's eye view, Conservatory, Agricultural, Smithsonian & Capitol.
The Agricultural Department.
The Agricultural Department, Washington, D.C..
Museum, Patent Office.
Post Office Department.
The Great East Room in the President's House.
The Great East Room in the President's House.
Flower Garden & Portico White House.
Group of Arts and Sciences, in Brumidi's Allegorical Painting, in the Dome of the Capitol.
Group of War in Brumidi's Allegorical Painting in the Dome.
Group of Commerce in Brumidi's Allegorical Painting in the Dome of the Capitol.
Speaker's Room, House of Representatives.
Speaker's Room, House of Representatives.
Chamber House of Representatives.