Pease, N.W. (Nathan W.) (1836-1918)

Snow Arch, Tuckerman's Ravine, Mt. Washington, N.H.

Mts. Adams and Madison, from near Glen House, N.H.

Mts. Adams and Madison, from near Glen House.

Mt. Adams and Madison, from near Glen House, N.H.

Tuckerman's Ravine, from Glen Notch.

Glen Ellis Falls, White Mountains, N.H.

Glen Ellis Falls, White Mountains, N.H.

Glen Ellis Fall, White Mountains, N.H.

Emerald Pool, White Mountains, N.H.

Emerald Pool, near Glen House, N.H.

Emerald Pool, near Glen House, N.H.

Emerald Pool, near Glen House, N.H.

Emerald Pool, near Glen House, N.H.

Emerald Pool, near Glen House, N.H.

Garnet Pool, upper, White Mountains.

Glen House, from Mt. Washington Carriage Road.

Mt. Washington, from Glen House.

Interior view of Snow Arch, Tuckerman's Ravine.

Crystal Cascade, White Mountains, N.H.

Crystal Cascade, White Mountains, N.H.

Crystal Cascade, White Mountains, N.H.

The Flume, near View of Hanging Boulder, Franconia Mts.

The Flume, from above, with Suspended Boulder, Franconia Mts., N.H.

The Flume, from above, with Suspended Boulder, Fran. Mts.

The Flume, from below, looking up.

The Flume, from below, looking up.

Profile Lake and Old Man of the Mountain, Franconia Mountains, N.H.

Profile Lake, Franconia Mountains, N.H.

Eagle Cliff, from Profile House, N.H.

Flume House, Franconia Mountains, N.H.