Moulton, John S. (b. ca. 1820)

Saloon steamer, Providence.

South Street.

Union Square.

Union Square.

Entrance to Greenwood Cemetery.

Entrance to Greenwood Cemetery.

America steamer, Brooklyn.

Railroad, looking up.

The Basin.

The Basin.

The Flume, above the Boulder.

The Flume, above the Boulder, Franconia, N.H.

A Frosty Morn.

Thompson's Cascade, (the Shelf), White Mts. N.H.

View in the quarries, Rockport, Mass.

Steamboat landing, Nahant, Mass.

Steamboat landing, Nahant, Mass.

Artificial pond.

The lake, Mt. Auburn cememtery.

The lake, Mt. Auburn cemetery.

Interior view of a library in a private residence.

Home on Western Avenue.

Methodist Episcopal Church, Worthen St.

First Baptist Church.

Merrimac River from Central Bridge.

Pemberton mill.

Hoosac mountain.

Entrance to tunnel, east end.

Entrance to tunnel, west end.

General view of the central shaft.