Gates, G.F. (George F.)

Looking out over entrance gorge, [Glen] Alpha.

Spiral gorge, [Glen] Difficulty.

Shadow gorge, [Glen] Difficulty.

Artist's dream, [Glen] Arcadia.

Rainbow falls.

Rainbow falls.

Rainbow falls and tripple [sic] cascades, [Glen] Of the Pools.

Frowning cliff, [Glen] Difficulty.

Matchless scene, [Glen] Of the Pools.

Rival pools, looking down, [Glen] Of the Pools.

Profile gorge, from long staircase, [Gorge] Alpha.

Glen mountain house, on north cliff.

Cavern cascade and long staircase, [Glen] Alpha.

Central view and "Min-ne-ha-ha," [Glen] Alpha.

Entrance gorge, looking up.

Looking off from crest of Taughannock Falls.

Taghanic Falls, from below, Height of Fall: 215 feet perpendicular.

Looking up from below Summit Falls in Upper Ravine.

iew of an entrance.

Salina St., south from Fayette St.

Looking down from above the Steeple Rock.

Steeple Rock from above, looking down.

Ludlowville Fall on Salmon Creek.

Second or Grand Cascade, South of Ithaca.

View of Ithaca from South Hill.

Upper Fall at Lick Brook.

Paper mill at Goodwin's Point.

Rock study, Trumansburg Landing, (Frog Point).

First Fall at Trumansburg Landing, (Frog Point).

First, or Ithaca Fall, 155 feet high.