Michigan Avenue, from Jackson Street.
Lake Street, looking east from Clark.
Lake Street, east from Clark.
La Salle Street, north from Arcade Court.
La Salle Street, north from Madison.
La Salle Street, north from Arcade Court.
La Salle Street, south from Randolph.
La Salle Street, south from Randolph.
North Dearborn Street, from Walnut.
Clark Street north from Washington [Street].
Buffalo Indian chief. [Plooking at a buffalo on an unidentified street.]
Buffalo Indian chief. [People looking at a buffalo on an unidentified street.]
Directors car, elevator and depot. C. & N.W.R.R. [Chicago and North Western Railroad depot].
Depot of the Chicago and N.W.R.R. [North Western Railroad depot]
Buckingham's elevator "A".
Michigan Southern R.R. [Railroad] depot.
Mouth of Chicago River from Rush Street bridge.
Tremont House.
Sherman House.
Terrace Row, Michigan Avenue.
Park Rowe, Michigan Avenue.
Chamber of Commerce.
Chamber of Commerce.
Customs House and Post Office.
Court House.
Commodore of the Elkhorn Club.
Crosby's Opera House.
University of Chicago, back view.
University of Chicago, front view.
University of Chicago, front view.