Barker, George (1844-1894)

Great Ice Bridge of 1875, Niagara.

Great Ice Bridge of 1875, Niagara.

Instantaneous view of ice mountain and ice bridge, Niagara.

Instantaneous View of ice mountain and ice bridge, Niagara.

View from the top of Ice Mountain, Niagara.

Rainbow Arch, Prospect Park in winter.

Horseshoe Fall below Goat Island, Niagara.

Statue Tree, Luna Island.

Statue Tree and American Fall, Niagara.

Luna Island, Niagara, winter.

New suspension bridge, Niagara, 1268 feet long.

Ice mountains in front of American Fall, Niagara.

The "Old Man of Niagara."

Frostwork, Canada side, Niagara.

Horseshoe Fall from Goat Island.

Interior of Railway Suspension Bridge, 800 feet long.

Interior of Railway Suspension Bridge.

Horseshoe Fall from the ferry.

Falls of Niagara, general view.

Under the Horseshoe, Niagara Falls, Canada.

Entrance to the Cave of the Winds, Niagara Falls, U. S. A..

Niagara, new suspension bridge.

Niagara, Prospect Point in winter.

A winter morning.

Niagara Falls by moonlight, U. S. A..

Niagara, a rest in the shade, Luna Island.

Niagara, listening to the birds, heart of Goat Island.

Listening to the birds, the heart of Goat Island, Niagara, U. S. A..

Niagara, the waters falling as they fell a thousand years ago.

Niagara, a winter morning, Luna Island.