Yosamite Falls, Yosemite Valley, California.
Bridge to Sister Island. [First Sister Island.]
Grand Falls. Yellowstone River from Point Look-out.
Falls of Bridal Veil. Yosemite, Cal.
Main view of Suspension Bridge.
Genesee Falls from below.
West Bank and Flour Mills below High Falls.
Bridge to fst sister Niagara By J.J. Reilly Susp. Bridge N.Y.
Mountain Cascades, from Rustle Bridge. Portage, N.Y.
Lower Falls, Portage, N.Y., from above.
Cascade Du Dard, Vallee de Chamounix. Savoie.
Rapids from Third Sister Island. [Niagara.]
Lake Seclusion and Lulu Falls on the top of Lookout Mountain Tenn.
Yo-Semite Fall, (2,634 feet high), from near Sentinel House; P.T. Barnum and Party.
[Falls of the Limon River, Panama]
[Industrial building by waterfall with covered bridge spanning the falls]
On the trail to Paradise Valley, Mt. Tacoma or Rainier, Wash.
Fall Creek Falls, Vanbrune Co., Tenn.
Duck River Falls, Manchester, Tenn.
Upper Falls of the Genesee, near Portage, N.Y.
Middle Falls of the Genesee, near Portage, N.Y.
Falls of St. Anthony, Minn. U.S.A.
Pigeon River Fall separating Minnesota from Canada - 65 feet high, 100 ft. wide
Lulu (i.e. Lula) Lake, on Lookout Mountain
Shoshone Falls, Snake River, Idaho.
Marshall's Falls, Delaware Water Gap. Pa.
Passaic Falls, Paterson, N.J.
The Passaic Falls at Paterson, N.J.
Passaic Falls, Paterson, N.J.
The American Falls, from the Museum, Canada