Mount Star King, 5,600 feet above the Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Crinoline Point, Yosemite Valley, Cal.

Mirror Lake, depth 48 ft., Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Cathedral Rocks, Yosemite Valley, California.

Yosemite Falls, and Reflecting after a horseback ride, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Clouds Rest and Merced River, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

P.T. Barnum's party in Yosemite Valley, Cal.

Mirror Lake Canyon, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Mirror Lake Canyon, Yosemite Valley, California.

Cathedral Spires, height 1,800 feet, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

The Lost Arrow, Yosemite Valley, Cal.

Nevada Falls, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Nevada Falls, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Bridal Veil Fall, height 900 feet, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

El Capitan, 3,300 feet, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Vernal Fall and Cap of Liberty, Yosemite Valley, California.

One of the Three Graces, Yosemite Valley, California.

Sentinel Rock, height 3,042 feet, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

The Watching Eye over Mirror Lake, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Three Brothers, Yosemite Valley, Cal.

Three Brothers, Yosemite Valley, Cal.

The Three Brothers; height 3830 ft., Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

North Dome, height 3,568 feet,Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Yo Semite Falls, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Lake Tenaya, Sierra Nevada Mts, Cal.

Lake Tenaya, Sierras, Cal.

Vernal Falls, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Vernal Fall, height 400 feet, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

Mount Watkins, height 3,900 feet, Yo Semite Valley, Cal.

El Capitan, Yo Semite Valley, California.