Temple Mill, Moscow, Me.

Pulp works, Madison, Me.

Woolen Mill, Madison, Me.


Village view, Hartland.

Faifield Boom.

Dam at Fairfield, Me.

Bingham Ferry, from bluff.

North from Old Hill, Bingham.

From Old HIll, Bingham, Me.

West from Old Hill, Bingham, Me.

Anson R.R. Bridge, from Tinkham's Hotel.

Anson R.R. Bridge, from Tinkham's Hotel.

Anson R.R. Bridge, from Tinkham's Hotel.

Anson R.R. Bridge, built by Bela J. Fletcher.

Flock of sheep. Anson, Me.

Austin Stream.

R.R. Bridge, Fairfield, Me.

Austin Stream.

Robin Hoods Cove. Coast of Maine.

Topsham from Mason St.

Shipyard, Richmond, Me.

Sawmill, Richmond, Me.

Mouth of Kennebec River, Hunnewell's Point, Maine.

People (adults and children) posed on the porch of their cottage, Bath, Maine.

Front Street, from the Post Office, Bath, Me.

Front Street, from Centre St., Bath, Me.

Universalist Church, Bath, Me.

Lincoln National Bank, Sagadahoc County, Bath, Maine.

Bath, looking south from Beacon Street. [Bath, Me.]