Extended family (?) posed outside of house near fence.

Mill stream and mill in East Norton after a flood(?).

Seth Sumner's house.


Skinnerville [after a flood.]

View of a commercial store.

Large group of people in front of a building.

View of a commerical steet.

View of a commerical street.

Three men standing in front of a church.

Lake Buel from Gibson showing a steamer, a man fishing, and rowboat.

Lake Buel steamer at landing.

View of Lake Buel with rowboats and trees.

Boat landing on the Housatonic.

Boat landing on the Housatonic.

View of the Housatonic River, including a road alongside of it.

Lower falls at Bash Bish.

An iron bridge on the Connecticut River.

Debris piled around bulkheads of a bridge apparently destroyed in a flood.

Students in the Mt. Holyoke library.

Mt. Tom from the Connecticut River.

Ox-bend in the Connecticut river from Mt. Nonotuck.

Bridge on B. & A. R.R. situated between the two destroyed.

Site of bridge at Middlefield switch, south side.

Interior of Marcus H. Rogers' residence, furniture, light fixtures, layout of rooms visible.

Mr. & Mrs. Marcus H. Rogers in their parlor on the 2nd floor of the "Berkshire Courier" building, furniture, light fixtures, layout of rooms visible.

View of a group of men in front of a store, one holding a hose.

View of a woman looking into the distance with binoculars above Glendale, showing a bridge, a mill, and homes below.

View of a man on a bridge at Bash Bish.

Duck hawk's eggs and eyrie, Mt. Tom, Mass.