Citizens hearing the inaugural address of their chosen chief, President Roosevelt - Washington

Citizens hearing the inaugural address of their chosen chief, President Roosevelt - Washington

"We wish peace because it is right" - President Roosevelt delivering his inaugural address, Washington

President Roosevelt delivering his famous inaugural address - before the Capitol, Washington

The people's choice swears faithfulness to duty - President Roosevelt's Inauguration, Washington

The Richmond (Va.) Blues, the oldest military organization in the U.S., inaugural parade, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1905

West Point cadets passing in review before the President. Inauguration of President Roosevelt, Washington

The inauguration parade in the "Court of History" opposite the White House grounds, Washington

President Roosevelt reviewing passing troops in the inaugural procession, Washington

The President and his party in the reviewing stand in the "Court of History." Inauguration of Roosevelt, Washington

"We wish peace because it is right" - President Roosevelt delivering his inaugural address, Washington

President Roosevelt after inauguration leaving the Capitol to head the parade - Washington

Eager throng waiting for the appearance of the President at the Capitol, inauguration of Roosevelt, Washington

U.S. Marines passing up Penna. Avenue, inaugural parade, inauguration of President Roosevelt, Washington, D.C.

President Roosevelt's inauguration, March 4, 1905, taking the oath of office

President Roosevelt's inauguration, March 4, 1905 The President's address to the Senators.

President Roosevelt delivering his inaugural address to countless thousands

Vast crowd before the Capitol at Wash. listening to Pres. Roosevelt's inaugural address, March 4, 1905